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Every month brings some unique astronomical events that you can see with the naked eye and photograph. In this article, let us take a look at the astrophotography opportunities in April 2025.
April 13: Full pink moon
The fourth full moon of 2025 will appear on the 13th of April. The March full moon is also known as the pink moon. Full moons are always a great opportunity to photograph with a telephoto lens. It will also allow you to capture the moonrise in the evening and the moonset in the early morning.
April 21: Mercury at greatest western elongation
Mercury, the innermost planet, will be 27.4 degrees from the Sun at its greatest western elongation on April 21. Mercury will be at its maximum point above the horizon in the morning sky at this hour, making it the ideal time to see it. Just before sunrise, look for the planet low in the eastern sky. It will be a great opportunity to not only see the planet but also photograph it with a wide-angle or medium telephoto lens (e.g., 135 mm).
Other opportunities throughout the month
Along with the celestial events mentioned above, the sky will present more opportunities to catch a few more objects. And some will be better than before.
The milky way season begins
The Sagittarius arm of the Milky Way, one of the most beautiful and popular regions to photograph, makes a comeback in the night sky. The core region will start rising right before midnight. This will be a great opportunity to photograph the Milky Way arch, other nightscape, and deepscape images.
Moon meets the planets
The moon will be positioned with different planets throughout the month. The month begins with a conjunction between Moon and Jupiter on 3rd April. On 5th April, the Moon will come close to the red planet, Mars. On the early morning of 25th April, Moon will meet Venus and Saturn in the eastern sky. Finally, on 26th April, Moon will be positioned along with Mercury.
Hope you have a great month with lots of astrophotography opportunities ahead.
Clear skies!